Spamdupe Unique Benefits
- Accuracy – SpamDupe delivers better than 99% filter accuracy with false positives (wanted e-mail blocked as spam) at less than 0.1%. SpamDupe automatically learns about your users and their regular e-mail peers and never blocks their e-mail. The only time SpamDupe might have an issue is with questionable e-mail from new senders. This takes the risk out of antispam filtering.
- Real-time Filtering – Most spam filters work like this: receive e-mail, queue, filter, deliver or send a non-delivery reply. The problem with this model is that mail is delayed and senders/recipients may never realize that wanted messages were blocked. SpamDupe works in real-time meaning that it filters messages as they are received – without queuing. This means that SpamDupe tells the sender if their message is being blocked (e.g.: for content, viruses, unwanted attachments or other reasons). No queues, no quarantines and no guess work.
- Speed – SpamDupe’s antispam engine is programmed C – the fastest programming language in the world. Most competing products are programmed in interpreted languages like Java, Perl, Visual Basic, etc. The result is that SpamDupe is 10-100 times faster to execute so mail moves faster and without delays
- Simple Resource Needs – SpamDupe’s speed and efficiency means that you can protect more users with less hardware. Protect 100 users with 1 CPU core and 1GB RAM or 5,000 users with 4 CPU cores and 4GB RAM. Many competing products need 4 times the hardware to protect the same number of users and still can’t filter e-mail in real time
- Lights Out Operation – A spam filter that requires hours of training/tuning or an endless set of rules and updates can cost more to operate than it is worth. SpamDupe runs without user or administrator intervention. It watches, investigates, learns and adapts to spam traffic so it continues to provide accurate, reliable spam filtering without the overhead
- Self Service Support – SpamDupe users receive daily e-mail digests of all of their prior day’s e-mail (date, sender, subject and disposition). From this daily e-mail, your users can view, resend or report messages as spam. Users can review and manage their own e-mail with no need to involve your help desk.